Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fun With Friends

So we had a fun Saturday!  Spent the day working on another pork shoulder (one of my favorite things to do on the grill) smoked w/ maple, which I'm coming to find plentyful up here, and I like it's flavor on pork, (can't wait to try it on a turkey) and we finally pulled out the last of the Christmas decorations.  Bridget and the boys have been working hard this week decorating the house.  Had the chance to get together w/ our friends Jen and John, (w/ Kaitlyn and Kiley) and our neighbors Gale and Joe, Christopher and Christy w/ their little ones Noah and Zoe, and Lee and Arlene.  The pork turned out pretty decent, and it felt good to have people over to the house, enjoyed everyone's company and fellowship!

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