Thursday, November 29, 2012

A CheeseBall For the CheeseBall!!! Happy 40th Ray!!!

TODAY IS RAY'S 40TH BIRTHDAY!!! We are having some family over tonight to help us celebrate, Aunt Jeanne and Chip, Jen and John, Kaitlyn and Kiley are all coming so it will definately be a blast!  Just a pic of the bacon encrusted cheeseball...yep that's bacon! 
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  1. Happy birthday, Rex! Wow, the big 4-0. I'd say that you are getting old, but what would that mean for me? =D

    Have a great celebration!

  2. Thanks Ace.... seems like a lot of distance between those days standing on top of the roof at the corner of Broadway and Main..... you have been a true ministry to my heart. Keep on keeping on, my friend!
