Friday, January 25, 2013

Tubing At Snow Trails

Took a day off work, and went tubing at
Snow Trails.  Jen, Kaitlyn, and Kiley came
along, (Budge isn't a big fan of sledding, tubing,
or being in contact w/ snow)
We had a blast, enjoyed a day of more activity
than old folks like us should be
allowed to have!
(Yes Jen...... I called us [you] "old folks")
Jen made a "sailboat" birthday cake for
Budge, while we thawed out
out in the country at their place!
A good day off from work,
fun w/ all
and now, it's time for some
It's getting harder and harder
to keep up w/ them younguns!!!
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Quiet Sunday

Our front door...
Just opened it up when we got home from church
thought it was pretty....
thought we'd share it!
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Rain Melts Snow

So our plans for today have been foiled, due to rain
50+ degrees, has melted away most of the snow, and
our day of plans has been changed into a day at home w/ a chicken
spinning on the grill, and old movies on the tv.....
oh well, sometimes the sun shines, sometimes it doesn't!
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Looking Forward To Friday

Got a scheduled day off coming up
gonna spend the day at Mad River Mountain
tubing in the snow...we're all looking forward to that
I see Ibuprofen in my future
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snowy New Year

Yesterday evening brought more snow our way
as if we hadn't had enough already...
...We miss summertime!
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